Brief Description: The process of managing users in a department.
Scenario 1: Search for user.
Preconditions: Manage department users page.
Actor | System | Data Used |
Actor types user name into search box and chooses to search. | System searches db then LDAP for user and returns user information if found. If user does not exist in db, system will create records for that user. | User name, first/last name, email, department, user type |
Postconditions: Manage department users page.
Scenario 2: View user's meetings/lectures.
Preconditions: Manage department users page.
Actor | System | Data Used |
Actor types user name into search box and chooses to search. | System searches db then LDAP for user and returns user information if found. If user does not exist in db, system will create records for that user. | User name, first/last name, email, department, user type |
Actor chooses to view user's meetings/lectures. | System returns calendar view with selected user's meetings/lectures. |
Postconditions: Manage department users page.
Scenario 3: Add user to department.
Preconditions: Manage department users page.
Actor | System | Data Used |
Actor types user name into search box and chooses to search. | System searches db then LDAP for user and returns user information if found. If user does not exist in db, system will create records for that user. | User name, first/last name, email, department, user type |
Actor selects user and chooses to add user to department. | System adds record to db. | User name/id, department id |
Postconditions: Manage department users page.
Scenario 4: Edit user. Actor can ban, change permissions, and remove a user from the department.
Preconditions: Manage department users page.
Actor | System | Data Used |
Actor types user name into search box and chooses to search. | System searches db then LDAP for user and returns user information if found. If user does not exist in db, system will create records for that user. | User name, first/last name, email, department, user type |
Actor chooses to edit user. | System returns page populated with chosen user's information. | User name, first name, last name, email, user type, department info, permissions |
Actor edits user info and chooses to save. | System persists data and updates records. |
Postconditions: Manage department users page.