What is headless mode?
Headless mode is a system configuration in which the display device, keyboard, or mouse is lacking.
Enabling headless mode on Pidora
If you would like to enable headless mode, you will need to create a file named "headless" in the following directory on your SD card.
There are two possible configurations for headless-mode "DHCP" configuration and "Static" configuration.
DHCP Configuration
If you would like to obtain an ip address dynamically via DHCP create an empty file in the boot directory named "headless"
Static Configuration
If you would like to specify a specific IP address you will need to include the IP Address, Netmask and Gateway. Create a file called "headless" and include the following information
Sample headless file Static Configuration
Headless Mode is enable how do I find out what my ip-address?
After you have enabled headless mode with either the DHCP configuration or Static IP configuration, the ip address that has been assigned to Raspberry Pi will be played through the speakers "2 minutes" after you have powered the Raspberry Pi, 30 seconds after the ip information has been played it will also flash your ip address through Pi's LED lights.
More information about ip-read and ip-flash: