20131 OOP344-GoogleChrome-osomes
Revision as of 09:27, 12 April 2013 by Gwendolyn Elaine Damaren (talk | contribs) (Updated Programming Style rules to Team Page - title naming standards)
Google Chrome-osomes: Team 13
Team Members
First Name | Last Name | Team Name | Section | Seneca Id | wiki id | IRC nick | GITHUB ID | Blog URL |
Phillip | Hagan | Google Chrome-osomes | A | [1] | Phillip Hagan | phil93 | phagan | Blog |
Gwendolyn | Damaren | Google Chrome-osomes | A | [2] | Gwendolyn Elaine Damaren | gedamaren | gedamaren | Gwendolyn's C++ Blog |
Jayakumar | Govinthasamy | Google Chrome-osomes | A | [3] | Jayakumar Govinthasamy | jayzeuz | jgovinthasamy | Jayakumar's Blog |
Paul Roger | Intal | Google Chrome-osomes | A | [4] | Paul Roger Balbas Intal | printal | printal | is Object Oriented |
Programming Style
Header safeguards
- #pragma once
- #ifndef CLASSNAME_H__
- #define CLASSNAME_H__
- ...
- #endif
Title Naming Standards
- // classname.cpp
- //
- // Team Google Chrome-osomes
- // Date
- // Version #