OOP344 20131-OOP344geeks
OOP344geeks (Team 6)
Team Member's Information
First Name | Last Name | Section | Seneca ID | Wiki ID | IRC nick | Github ID | Blog URL |
Pankaj | Sama | B | psama | Pankaj Sama | pankaj | pankajsama01 | Pankaj's Blog |
Vivek | Patel | B | vrpatel13 | Vivek Patel | vivek | vivek5255 | Vivek's Blog |
Divya | Sharma | B | dsharma37 | Divya Sharma | Divya | divya5 | Divya's Blog |
Koghulan | Namasivayam | B | knamasivayam1 | Koghulan Namasivayam | koghulan_ | kogu | Koghulan's blog |
Programming Style
A. Indentation
- Using the 4 spaces(TAB) and inserting spaces
B. Blocks
int main()
int name;
int first;
if (name == first)
cout << "name matches" << endl;
C. Variable Naming Variable name start with: First letter uppercase and rest are lowercase e.g:
int Age;
int Sex;
Fardad's Rule
int a; // good
int b; // good
int a, b. c; //bad
a; // bad
Single line blocks must be surrounded by { and }
do this:
} // good
if(whatever) do this; //bad
do this; // bad