Team Sonic
Team Sonic
Assignment 1
I'm interested in profiling and parallelizing an algorithm that finds the average value of an array of integral values. Although it might not sound exciting to some, I think it's a great starting point.
Feb 6: I created a program that does what I specified. I profiled it, and the profile showed that my application spends most of its time in the init_and_avg() function. That function has a loop that can be parallelized because each iteration is independent.
Find open source tomography algorithm, profile it, then attempt to convert parts of source code to take advantage of GPU using CUDA.
I have found an open source project called RabbitCT which aims to support the creation of efficient algorithms to process voxel data. The ultimate goal is to improve the performance of 3-D cone beam reconstruction, which is used extensively in the medical field to processing cone bean computed tomography. "Cone bean computed tomography (CT) is an emerging imaging technology. It provides all projections needed for three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction in a single spin of the X- ray source-detector pair. This facilitates fast, low-dose data acquisition, which is required for the imaging of rapidly moving objects, such as the human heart, as well as for intra-operative CT applications." [Klaus Mueller]
After many many(!) issues, I was able to profile the reconstruction algorithm on my laptop.
RabbitCT provides three files:
- RabbitCTRunner - the application that accepts the data-set and algorithm module and gives some basic metrics of algorithm performance (i.e. elapsed time)
- RabbitCT Dataset V2 - platform independent data-set of actual C-arm scan of rabbit (~2.5Gb for "small" ver)
- LolaBunny - a basic non-optimized reference algorithm module (shared library)
Since the main processing is offloaded to the shared library (or dll on windows) I can't simply compile and run gprof on the main application (RabbitCTRunner), I had to set some special settings in shell to profile a shared library and use sprof; gprof can not be used for profiling shared libraries (found this out the hard long way). After many failed attempts this method finally yielded the results I needed.
Steps to reproduce:
- run cmake and create executables RabbitCTRunner and the share library LolaBunny
Example: ./RabbitCTRunner ../modules/LolaBunny/ ~/datasets/rabbitct_512-v2.rctd ./resultFile 128 - $ sprof -p [LOCATION OF MODULE] [LOCATION OF PROFILE FILE] > log
Example: sprof -p ../modules/LolaBunny/ /var/tmp/ > log
Note. /var/tmp/ was my default location for profiles. Man for LD_PROFILE_EXPORT
Im looking at fractal maps right now. Julia and Mandelbrot set. Im trying to figure out how to do the Julia set because last semester, one of the assignment is for Mandelbrot Set.