Revision as of 07:52, 26 November 2012 by Jeremiah Reyes Guevarra (talk | contribs) (→Issues and Status)
Team Name (Knock-Knock!!)
Project Marking Percentage
- due immediately
Group work: 48% (25 <= xx <= 50) Individual work: 52% + (50 <= xx <= 75) ------------------------- Total 100%
- repo Github id: VIII-NckNck
Team Members
First Name | Last Name | Section | Seneca Id | Github ID | wiki id | IRC nick | Blog URL |
Jeremiah | Guevarra | B | jrguevarra | Jeremiah Reyes Guevarra | jrguevarra | jrguevarra | Jeremiah's Blog |
Ran | Li | A | rli64 | Ran Li | ranli | lynnli | 22yue6 |
Minh Khoa | Nguyen | A | mknguyen2 | Mknguyen2 | kennguyen | kennguyen | Ken's Blog |
Soohyun | Park | A | spark69 | Soohyun Park | jessica0610 | jessica0610 | Jessica's Blog |
TianHang (Tim) | Zhouchen | B | thzhouchen | Tian Hang Zhouchen | thzhouchen | thzhouchen | Tim's OOP344 |
Issues and Status
- Create the class files (header and cpp) with blank methods and make sure they compile
- Assigned | Reviewer
- CField Mock-up Class (issue 2.1) Jeremiah | Ken
- CLabel Mock-up Class (issue 2.2) Jeremiah | Ken
- CDialog Mock-up Class (issue 2.3) Ken | Jeremiah
- CLineEdit Mock-up Class (issue 2.4) Tianhang | Jeremiah & Ken
- CButton Mock-up Class (issue 2.5) Jeremiah & Ken | Tianhang
- CValEdit Mock-up Class (issue 2.6) Ken | Jeremiah
- CCheckMark Mock-up Class (issue 2.7) Jeremiah | Ken
- CText:
- Add Text Class to the project (issue 2.8.1) Ken | Jeremiah
- CText Mock-up Class (issue 2.8.2) Ken | Jeremiah
- CCheckList Mock-up Class (issue 2.9) Jeremiah | Ken
Coding Rules
- Rule 1: The asterisk must be beside the variable type when declaring a pointer. (ex) int* number;
- Rule 2: Declare each variable separately.
- Rule 3: The signature for a safeguard is _KK_HEADERNAME_H_
- Rule 4: Always use a open curly bracket and a close curly even if the statement is one line of code.
- Rule 5: Aline open curly bracket from close curly bracket.
if(...) { ..... }
- latest will be on top