Phonegap Healthcare Adapter Backlog
NexJ Medical Peripheral Mobile Adapter Will be designed to enable NexJ's Mobile Healthcare solutions to interact with Bluetooth peripherals.
- Main article: Mobile Medical Device Integration
- Bluetooth can work on simulators.
- Deploy to devices, requiring enrollment in the developer program.
- Understand Objective C.
- Understand iOS best practice development.
- Understand iOS PhoneGap plugin best practices.
- Bluetooth does not work on the emulator.
- Understand ADK best practice development.
- Understand ADK PhoneGap plugin best practices.
PhoneGap API
- Design a unified API in JavaScript that will allow the NexJ application to interact with Bluetooth devices.
- Define a project architecture that facilitates multiple device compatibility.
Blood Pressure Device
- Create native Bluetooth adapter for this device.
- Create native Bluetooth adapter for this device.
Glucose Level Device
- Extend native Bluetooth adapter for this device.
- Extend native Bluetooth adapter for this device.
Weight Scale Device
- Extend native Bluetooth adapter for this device.
- Extend native Bluetooth adapter for this device.
Proof of Concept
- We've created the Android native code (using Android Bluetooth API) to test the Bluetooth process between Android and medical devices.
- Settings for connection: for creating the UUID of the Android device, "00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb" is used instead of conforming the COD filter value on the A&D specs; but the service name and PIN on the specs have to be used.
- Issues in the test:
- For the blood pressure meter, paring can be set but data transmission is unstable. Its reason could be: the A&D medical device always forces to use RFCOMM port/channel 1 for the connection, but the Android device will choose next available channel.