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Revision as of 21:24, 5 November 2012 by Bruno Pereira (talk | contribs) (Issue description and/or number (2))

Team Name (Skynet)

Project Marking Percentage

Group work:      50%
Individual work: 50% +
Total           100%


  • repo Github id:

Team Members

Team Name (Skynet)
First Name Last Name Section Seneca Id Github ID wiki id IRC nick Blog URL
Michael Wang B mmwang2 MichaelMWang Michael Mengyuan Wang mekko Michael's Blog
Bruno Pereira B bpereira5 bpereira5 Bruno Pereira bpereira Open Source
Kanghoon Park B kpark27 kpark27 Kanghoon Park kpark27 Kang's Blog
Matthew Torrance B mstorrance mstorrance Matthew Scott Torrance mstorrance Matt's Blog
Dyllon Ricardo A ddricardo Dyllon-R Dyllon Da Silva Ricardo Dyllon-R Dyll's Tech Blog

Issues and Status

0.2 Milestone (Due Fri 9th)

  1. Add console class to project and test with cio_test (issue 1)
  2. Create Mock-up classes
    Create the class files (header and cpp) with blank methods and make sure they compile
    1. CField Mock-up Class (issue 2.1)
    2. CLabel Mock-up Class (issue 2.2)
    3. CDialog Mock-up Class (issue 2.3)
    4. CLineEdit Mock-up Class (issue 2.4)
    5. CButton Mock-up Class (issue 2.5)
    6. CValEdit Mock-up Class (issue 2.6)
    7. CCheckMark Mock-up Class (issue 2.7)
    8. CText
      1. Add Text Class to the project (issue 2.8.1)
      2. CText Mock-up Class (issue 2.8.2)
    9. CCheckList Mock-up Class (issue 2.9)

Coding Rules


  • latest will be on top
  1. topic and date1
  2. topic and date2
