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Vista and me

Revision as of 15:38, 14 December 2006 by Dmmanley (talk | contribs) (Searching for a Solution)

Hardware Configuration

I first attempted to install Vista on my home desktop purchased in 2002. See the image below for specs.


Installation Disk

Downloaded from Microsoft and utilized supplied key once I was registered.


Initial Impressions

  • Eager to run some quick test scenarios on the new OS.
  • Liked what I had seen about the UI, and the "new" features incorporated.
  • Had read differing views as to Vista's success but wanted to evaluate for myself.
  • As a loyal Windows user from Win98 and on I assumed I would join up with Vista.


Searching for a Solution

Searching for the error I tracked people in a similar situations, and the same solution came up again and again: "Buy a new DVD drive!". Could they be serious? Just to install Vista I would need a new drive, that is insanity!

There was absolutely no chance I would buy a new dvd drive to install a release candadate of Windows Vista. In fact I would be extremely hard pressed to buy a new drive for the finished release especially considering how much purchasing Vista itself would cost.

At this point I gave up on Vista and place my shiny new "Vista Coaster" on my desk.

The End?

New reports are emerging that approximately 19-20,000 drivers will be included on the installation dvd. If this is indeed the case I must assume that drivers for a standard dvd drive will be included in this package. With Vista having a system that is "Vista-capable", "Vista-compatable" or "Vista-fantastical" can mean any number of things, but what it truly means won't be clear for another few months.