The Scurvy Curs
The Scurvy Curs (Team XV)
Project Marking Percentage
- due immediately
Group work: XX% (25 <= xx <= 50) Individual work: XX% + (50 <= xx <= 75) ------------------------- Total 100%
- repo Github id:
Team Members
First Name | Last Name | Section | Seneca Id | Github ID | wiki id | IRC nick | Blog URL |
Saro | Avakian | B | savakian1 | Github:saro-avakian | Savakian1 | skullman | Skullman's Blog |
Marcus | Gauer | A | mgauer | Github:gauer | Marcus Gauer | wizardsgambit | Epic Adventures |
Samuel | Azan | B | sbazan | Github:samuel-azan | Samuel Benjamin Azan | samuel-azan | Sam OOP344 |
Issues and Status
Issue description and/or number (1)
- Assigned to: FULLNAME
- Code review by: FULLNAME
- Status:
- (being developed/pull request/being reviewed/pushed to master)
- comments:
Issue description and/or number (2)
- Assigned to: FULLNAME
- Code review by: FULLNAME
- Status:
- (being developed/pull request/being reviewed/pushed to master)
- comments:
Coding Rules
- latest will be on top