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ARMv8 Support Analysis

Revision as of 12:21, 5 October 2012 by Maxamaxim (talk | contribs)
This is a draft only!
It is still under construction and content may change. Do not rely on this information.

ARMv8 Support Analysis

Project Description

Many Fedora packages contain assembley code for performance optimization or platform-specific support. Assembley code is very processor-specific. When assembley code is not present for a specific architecture, either the package will not build on that architecture, or other code (typically C) which is not processor-specific is used instead.

This project involves analyzing Fedora packages to determine which ones contain assembly code, and determining whether the package will probably build on the upcoming ARMv8 64-bit architecture.

Expected outcome: An analysis of part of the Fedora package set to predict ARMv8 build outcomes.

Maximum number of students: 6 (each taking part of the Fedora package set)

Skills required: packaging, scripting, writing

Resources: Chris Tyler (ctyler), Jon Masters (jonmasters)

Sources: ARMv8_Support_Analysis

Project Leader(s)

Andrew Oatley-Willis
Wiki Page: Andrew OW
Learn: acoatley-willis
IRC: oatley

Wiki Page: Max
Learn: mhabed
IRC: maxam

Alexander Davis
Wiki Page: Alexander Davis
IRC: Zulafoxx

Project Contributor(s)

Project Details

Project Plan

Tracking mechanism (bugzilla, trac, github, ...):

Key contacts:

Goals for each release and plans for reaching those goals:

  • 0.1
    • Build initial script to identify assembly code inside fedora packages
  • 0.2
    • Generate script that will distinguish between Arch and Platform specific assembly code
  • 0.3
    • Predict the list of Fedora packages that may or may not build on ARMv8


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Andrew's Blog

Maxam's Blog

Seneca Particpants

Andrew OW


Non-Seneca Participants


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