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Fall 2012 DPI908/SBR600 Participants

Revision as of 18:20, 30 September 2012 by Amartinenco (talk | contribs)

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= Participant and Project Table =
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Column definitions

  • Name - Your full name, linked to your wiki user profile page (please place contact information there).
  • IRC Nick(s) - Your nicks (nicknames) as used on IRC. Leave this blank if you're not using IRC yet.
  • Role - Professor, CTY Student, CTYC Student, CDOT Researcher.
  • Project - Link to your main SBR600 project wiki page. Leave blank if you have not selected an SBR600 project yet.
  • Alternate Projects - Projects you are interested in doing if your selected project is not approved.
  • Notes Regarding Project - Any comments you have about your project selection.
  • Project Approval - Initialed by your professor when your project selection is approved; may also contain a note about comments on the Talk page.
  • Continuation Course - Place a Y here if you're interested in taking a continuation course. This will be a course offered in a subsequent semester where you can continue work on the project you started in DPI908/SBR600 (or another follow-on project, if your DPI908/SBR600 project is concluded). Place an N here if you are not interested in taking the continuation course. Leave this blank if you're unsure.

Instructions - Participant Information

Please add your name, IRC nick, and Learn ID as soon as possible. Link your name to your Wiki user page.

Instructions - Project Selection

Select one of the DPI908/SBR600 Potential Projects and add an entry to this table. Project assignment is not final until approved by your professor but is generally assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.

Edit your row on this page:

  • In the Project column, please place a project title exactly as written on the potential projects page.
  • In the Alternate Projects column, please name one or two other projects that you are also interested in, if your first choice is oversubscribed or not available.
  • In the Notes Regarding Project column, comment on why you chose the project you did.
  • Add a link from the project name in the Project column to your Project page. For the Project page, use the Sample Project as a template.
  • Fill in the Project page with your initial project plans. See the comments in each section of that page for instructions.
    • Research the scope of your project
    • Identify some initial resources (people, information) and links.
    • Decide on your goals for your 0.1 release (proof of concept), 0.2 release (initial implementation), and 0.3 release (good implementation). Note that some projects have a much bigger scope than others, and some will be largely completed by the first release date (in which case you may want to take on a second small project for the later release dates).
  • Due date: To be announced.
# Name IRC Nick (Learn ID) Role Project Alternate Projects Notes Regarding Project Project Approval Continuation Course
0 Chris Tyler ctyler (chris.tyler) Professor Foo Drivers
1 Raymond Chan rchan (raymond.chan) Professor
2 Ahmad Taychouri damha (ataychouri) student Lima X Driver The Panda Media Centre I am choosing this project because of my experience with video drivers with the Linux OS
3 Kalpaniya Parmar kparmar4 CTY Student Make Fedora Eclipse Compatible with the Android Extension Programming GPIO on Fedora
4 Zhiping Yu zyu26 (zyu26) student Package the Android Extensions for Eclipse Packaging and support for OpenMAX
5 Luis Francisco Luis (lffuentes) CTY student Programming GPIO on Fedora
6 Zhi Chang Ou Maximum IFS student SELinux Policy Analysis
7 Keren Yu kyu6 CTY student Andora Project fedora release Package the Android Extensions for Eclipse
8 Alon Yufidin ayufidin CTY Student Package the Android Extensions for Eclipse
9 VicChester Ng o chester CNS Student Package the Android Extensions for Eclipse Make Fedora Eclipse Compatible with the Android Extensions
10 Andrei Martinenco amartinenco CTY Student [Packaging and support for OpenMAX]
11 Daniel Delidjakov dkdelidj CTY Student Package the Android Extensions for Eclipse
12 Gloria Ip lsip CTY student Andora Project fedora release Make Fedora Eclipse Compatible with the Android Extensions
13 Hugo Pombo hapombo student General HW enablement: FM Radio
14 Nikhil Sharma nssharma CTY Student General HW enablement: GPS
15 M A maxam (mhabed) Student Andora Project Make Fedora Eclipse ARMv8 Support Analysis I am open to other ideas
16 Omarr Khattab okhattab CTY Student Package the Android Extensions for Eclipse Make Fedora eclipse compatible with the android extensions
17 Kowrinanthan Dayalingam kdayalingam IFS Student Mock chroot-break Risk Assessment Mock Privilege Escalation Risk Assessment
18 Alexander Davis Zulafoxx CNS Student ARMv8 Support Analysis Make fedora Compatible with Android
19 Peter Valerio pvalerio (pvalerio) IFS Student
20 Jiecheng Qiu Jie_Q (jcqiu) CTY Student Programming GPIO on Fedora
21 Japheth Nguithi sabanane (jnguithi) IFS Student
22 Ruowen Tang rtang12 (rtang12) CTY Student Andora Project fedora release
23 Rudolf R Janns n/a (rjanns) CTY Student Package the Android Extensions for Eclipse Chose this project because I like Android!
24 Jamal Jalali-Dolatshahi jjalali (jjalalid) IFS Student SELinux Policy Analysis
25 Ryan Lawrence Aqualie (rlawrence5) CTY Student Packaging and support for OpenMAX
26 Andrew Oatley-Willis oatley (acoatley-willis) CTY Student ARMv8 Support Analysis Open to suggestions