Game Name Goes here
Project Marking Percentage
Group work: xx% (25 <= xx <= 50) Individual work: xx% + (50 <= xx <= 75) ------------------------- Total 100%
Repo ID
Trunk Status
committed by [NAME] / being committed by [NAME]
Team Members
The team has decided on a puzzle game. Where the player have to find its way through the maze. It will be in a simple first person view. The rest of the details are listed below.
Min requirements
- Elapsed time
- Two difficulties:
Easy: | Advanced: |
- No timer | - Timer |
- points/score (ex coins) | - points/score (ex coins) |
- Life Decreases | - Life Decreases |
- Have to solve simple puzzle to continue through the maze | - Have to solve simple puzzle to continue through the maze |
- Easy maze (average time to complete in around 45 seconds) | - Challenging maze (average time to complete in around 2 mins) |
- Find an item(ex key) before finishing the maze |
- Traps that will:
-Kill the player(with hint) - Start player at the beginning of the maze - Slow the player down
- Boosts/Power Ups that will:
- Speed the player up (only for advanced) - Hint Stone - Bonus points
- Teleport (small radius)
Extras(if time is not an issue)
- walls close/collapses on player
- Scary pop ups(Loud noises)
- Traps that stops player's movement for a certain amount of time
- Two level maze; Player will start at the bottom maze and make there way to the top maze, which
will have pits leading back to the bottom...
- Score board
- Mystery Box/ Treasure chest which will contain either beneficial /useful things or
harmful/dangerous things