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Turbo Sloth

Revision as of 09:26, 19 September 2012 by Mshutov (talk | contribs) (Created page with '{{GAM666/DPS901 Index | 20123}} = TBA = == Project Marking Percentage == <big> Group work: 50% (25 <= xx <= 50) Individual work: 50% + (50 <= xx <= 75) -----…')
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Project Marking Percentage

Group work:      50%        (25 <= xx <= 50)
Individual work: 50% +      (50 <= xx <= 75) 
Total           100%


Repo ID


Trunk Status

committed by [NAME] / being committed by [NAME]

Team Members

  1. Fardad Soleimanloo, Some responsibility
  2. Fred Soley, Some other responsibility
  3. Chris Szalwinski
  4. ...

Email All


Map of the World of the Game

Any other thing you find necessary