GAM666/DPS901 | Weekly Schedule | Student List | Project Requirements | Teams and their Projects | Student Resources
Student List for Fall of 2012
Please add your information to the student list below by adding the following to the end of table code (if you are a student in GAM666/DPS901, Fall of 2012).
|[[User:WUN | FN]]||LN||[[TPN |TN]] || SUB||[ LID]||[[Special:Contributions/WUN | WUN]]||IN||[BURL BN] |-
Replace the following with your own information when adding the row to the table:
- WUN: Your Wiki User name
- FN: Your First Name
- LN: Your Last Name
- TPN: Your Team/Project Page Name on wiki
- TN: Your Team name
- SUB: Your Subject(example: DPS901)
- LID: Your seneca email ID (learn id)
- IN: Your IRC Registered Nickname
- BURL: Your Blog URL (if you do have one)
- BN: Your Blog Title
If your information is not added to the following table, your assignment mark will be penalized.
First Name | Last Name | Team Name | Subject | Seneca Id | wiki id | IRC nick | Blog URL | Repository |
Chris | Szalwinski | Team Name | GAM666 | chris.szalwinski | Chris Szalwinski | |||
Sezar | Gantous | n/a | GAM666 | sganouts | Sezar Gantous | NULLbyte | The Blog | |
Dale | Karp | Rocket Jump and Dale | GAM666 | dkarp | Dkarp | daleee | | |
Clinton | Bale | n/a | GAM666 | cfbale | Cfbale | psupreme | Clinton's Blog | |
Jesse | Santos | N/A | GAM666 | jsantos13 | Jesse | jas1137 | N/A | |
Santiago | Munoz | N/A | GAM666 | salopezmunoz | Santiago | salopezmunoz | N/A | |
Jayme | Laso-Barros | N/A | GAM666 | jlaso-barros | Jayme | jlaso-barros | Jayme's Blog | |
Jesse | Silver | Rocket Jump and Dale | GAM666 | jasilver1 | Jasilver1 | JSilver99 | Blog | |
Mark | Aronin | Woolooloo | DPS901 | maronin | Maronin | Maronin | [N/A] | |
Alex | Craig | Woolooloo | DPS901 | acraig1 | Acraig1 | Andiec | [N/A] | |
Neil | Guzman | Woolooloo | DPS901 | nbguzman | Nbguzman | bouz013 | otabouz | |
Anil | Santokhi | TBA | GAM666 | adsantokhi | Adsantokhi | Acestarox | Anil's Blog | |
Dylan (pref. Caitlin) | Potter | n/a | GAM666 | dfpotter | Dylan Potter | caitp | | caitp@github |
Stephanie | Bourque | N/A | GAM666 | sbourqu1 | Stephanie | sborg | N/A | |
Muhammad | Ahsan | N/A | DPS901 | mahsan3 | Muhammad | Ahsan | N/A | |
Dylan | Segna | N/A | GAM666 | dsegna | Dylan Segna | dillyn | N/A | |
Michael | Afidchao | Rocket Jump and Dale | GAM666 | mdafidchao | mdafidchao | mdafidchao | | |
Edwin | Lim | Rocket Jump and Dale | GAM666 | elim2 | elim2 | elim2 | ||
Mike | Shutov | N/A | GAM666 | mshutov | mshutov | mshutov | [n/a] | - |
Mark | de la Cruz | Rocket Jump and Dale | GAM666 | mddelacruz1 | - | |||
Michael | Dawson | n/a | GAM666 | mgdawson | - | |||
Sean | Feanny | n/a | GAM666 | safeanny | safeanny | - | ||
Hardik | Sharma | n/a | GAM666 | hsharma10 | hsharma10 | - | ||
Moshe | Tenenbaum | N/A | GAM666 | mctenenbaum | mctenenbaum | mctenenbaum | Moe's Blog | |
Dwayne | Edwards | N/A | GAM666 | dedwards3 | Dwayne Edwards | Kastro | N/A | - |
Kalid | Mahmud | N/A | GAM666 | kmmahmud | Kalid Mohamed Mahmud | N/A | N/A | - |