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Project List

Revision as of 14:56, 14 September 2012 by Tiago (talk | contribs) (removed old projects and added them to Historical Projects)
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Seneca College is working on many joint research and development projects with Mozilla and Fedora. These projects are listed below. Many of the projects below are part of the DPS909 or OSD600 courses or the LUX Program.

For more information about what Seneca is doing with Mozilla, Fedora, and other open source projects, see the Main Page.


This page lists many of the research and coursework projects that are being done between Seneca faculty, students, and various Open Source communities, including Mozilla, Fedora, and All of these projects are open source, and you can get involved with any of the current ones, or look at the list of Potential Projects. To claim a project, move it from the Potential Projects page to Active Project table below and create a link to a new project page based on the Sample Project page.

Active Projects

Project Name Description Leader(s) Community or Communities
Sample Project Name Sample project summary/details Sample Project Leader Username Sample Community

Historical Projects

See the Historical Projects page for projects which were previously active.