CDOT Summer Orientation 2012
Revision as of 11:10, 2 May 2012 by Cadecairos (talk | contribs) (Created page with '== Introductions from West to East: == * Brian Perry * Rose Saliba * Grace Batumbya * Mary Lynn Manton * Peter Callaghan * Fardad Soleimanloo * Dawn Mercer * Diana George * Davi…')
Introductions from West to East:
- Brian Perry
- Rose Saliba
- Grace Batumbya
- Mary Lynn Manton
- Peter Callaghan
- Fardad Soleimanloo
- Dawn Mercer
- Diana George
- David Humphrey
- Jesse Silver
- David Perit
- Robert Stanica
- Vincent Lee
- Wei Song
- Chris Tyler
- Hasan Kamal-Al-Deen
- Masihul "Max" Abed
- Andrew Green
- Cathy Leung
- Matt Schranz
- David Seifried
- Jon Chiappetta
- Jordan Cwang
- Justin Robinson
- Chris DeCairos
- Chad Alan Pilkey
Funding for CDOT...
- NSERC (Natural Science and Engineering Research Council) Innovation Enhancement Grant (IEG) - $2.3 million, 5 years, $500/400,000 per year - AROSS (Applied Research in Open Source Software)
- NSERC IRCC (Industrial Research Chairs for Colleges) Grant - $1 million, 5 years - OSTEP (Open Source Technology for Emerging Platforms)
- Various FedDev grants for specific projects (typically 1 year)
- Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI) / Ontario Research Foundation (ORF) grant - Inclusive Design Institute (IDI) - Infrastructure including Network
Current CDOT Projects...
- Fedora ARM - Building the Fedora open source package collection for ARM processors
- DCC Tool (need a new name!) - 3D Digital Content Creation tool for the web
- Popcorn - JS library for time-based (video/audio-sync'd) actions
- Popcorn Maker - Easy-to-use, web-based authoring tool for Popcorn (was Butter)
- Gladius - Game engine for the web (formerly Paladin)
- Big Blue Button - Web-based educational conferencing, capture, and sharing tool
- NexJ - SQLite connector, Connected Wellness Platform (in partnership with other institutions, with FedDev funding) - mobile front-end
- Unis Lumin (stay tuned for news!)
Be prepared to give, at any time:
- A quick demo of your work
- A sound-bite description of your project (a couple of sentences that anyone can understand)
Upcoming demos:
- OCE Discovery (May 14-15)
- IDI Announcement (May 23-25)
- Weekly demo presentations to CDOT (ongoing)
Work Environment...
- Research and Development
- Attention to detail - Use your blog to record and communicate what you're doing
- Be aware of and respectful of Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs)
- Accountability to funding agencies - There are rules about allowable expenses and reporting
- Professionalism
- We're a professional research organization -- We must conduct ourselves in an appropriate way
- CDOT is open to visitors -- but is not a hang-out place. Please feel free to give tours to anyone interested (respecting NDAs), but don't invite them to your cubicle for the day.
- Keeping a professional workspace involves cleanliness, taking advantage of facilities (such as the kitchen, meeting rooms, coat cupboards, etc), and being aware of sound issues.
- Rooms
- T1042 - Small meeting room (2-8 people) - book via (or left-hand side of the wiki)
- T1030 - Fishbowl - Book via
- T1012 - Conference room (up to 18 people) - Book via telisupport
- T1009 - Video room (up to 40 people depending on layout) - Book Via
- T1040 - The ARMory
- Equipment Sign-out
- Long-term loan - Laptops for projects, etc.
- Short-term loan
- Security
- There have been thefts at CDOT
- Use the laptop locks, lockable overhead bins, door locks
- Watch for unauthorized people, feel free to ask "May I help you?" and not allow people to follow you through the doors after hours
Work hours
- 10-3 rule: Be here between the hours of 10 AM and 3 PM for collaboration. You can schedule the rest of your time flexibly to fit your other committments, bus/train/rush hour schedules, and team and partner meetings
- Summer students must not work after 5 PM. This does not apply to researchers in any other employment category (co-op, P/T, etc).
- Full-time (co-op or summer students) are limited to 35 hours/week. Part-time are limited to 24 hours per week.
- Time off - sick leave, personal appointments, days off:
- Summer students get vacation pay - will typically be paid lump-sum at the end of the semester
- Co-op students do not get vacation pay
- Do not work or record hours for a statutory holiday
- Talk to your faculty lead (if they're on) or to Dawn/Rose (if your faculty lead is away) in advance of planned time away, or as soon as possible in the event of sickness/accident
- Time sheets
- Use your new contract number
- Copy your faculty lead on your timesheets
- Working in the open requires a higher-than-normal level of open communication
- Scrums
- Standing meeting - Physically standing! - <10 minutes at 10 am every day
- Quick update: What you've done, what you're doing, what you need to coordinate with others on (Note: Don't actually coordinate, argue, plan during the scrum!)
- Blogging
- Blog to Planet CDOT at least weekly. Read the planet daily. 'Nuff said
- Twitter
- Good idea to use
- This is a key communication tool
- Mandatory to be on IRC the whole time you're working -- including freenode:#seneca (the #seneca-cdot channel is being discontinued) plus whatever channels are relevant to your projects
- E-mail lists
- - All CDOT employees - Check your Seneca employee account regulary (or forward to somewhere you check)
- - CDOT steering committee
- etc -- Project-specific lists (your faculty lead can set this up)
- Project meetings
- Consult with your project lead
- 1x+ per week
- Replace the scrums at 10 am on Thursday mornings
- Etherpad
- Available at - Track URLs via Wiki, move content to wiki (or elsewhere) when completed
- Wiki
- Please keep up to date
Health and Safety
- Avoid calling 911 for emergencies - Call security instead (use your judgement)
- See (and post) the Green Sheets for security information (please remove the out-of-date yellow sheets)
- First Aid is behind Emily's desk
- Repetitive Stress Injuries (RSI) are a high hazard in our work - watch for issues with neck/shoulder/arms/eyes/back - adjust your workspace/equipment appropriately, use software (e.g., enforced typing breaks)
Who's Here When
- Dave Humphrey, Cathy, and Jordan are here the first half