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Tung iptables conf

Revision as of 23:38, 27 July 2011 by Tpcheun1 (talk | contribs)

Installing and Configuring Firewall


In this page, you are going to create a firewall that allows only outside world view the web page in your server


  1. Login as root user
  2. Clear up the rules in your iptables: iptables -F
  3. Change the input chain default policy to drop: iptables -P INPUT DROP
  4. Create a rule that allow outside to access http port only: iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport http -j ACCEPT
  5. Change the input chain default policy to drop: iptables -P OUTPUT DROP
  6. Create a rule that allow packets to output from http port only: iptables -I OUTPUT -p tcp --sport http -j ACCEPT
  7. View your web page from other virtual machine. The web page should be displayed.
  8. Try to ssh and ping from virtual machine to your server. All connections should be blocked.
  9. Save your iptables rules: service iptables save

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