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Teams Winter 2011/team1

Revision as of 11:23, 28 March 2011 by Azea (talk | contribs)

Team 1 - Eclipse Tutorials

  • Lab 1- Basics Tutorial
  1. Preparing Eclipse
  2. Creating your first Java project
  3. Browsing Java elements using the package explorer
  4. Editing Java elements
  5. Creating a Java class
  6. Renaming Java elements
  7. Moving and copying Java elements
  8. Navigate to a Java element's declaration
  9. Viewing the type Hierarchy
  10. Searching the workbench
  11. Running your programs
  12. Debugging your programs
  13. Evaluating expressions
  14. Evaluating snippets
  15. Using the Java browsing perspective
  16. Writing and running JUnit tests
  • Lab 2 - OSGI Tutorial
  1. Create the Service Interface
  2. Implement the Service Provider
  3. Implement the Service Consumer
  • Lab 3 - RCP Tutorial
  1. Create RPC Application
  2. Define and Use Commands
  3. Define and Use Editors
  4. Define and Use JFace Viewers
  5. Create Configuration for RCP Application