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PostgreSQL Adapter

Revision as of 12:08, 23 March 2011 by AnastasiaS (talk | contribs)

PostgreSQL Adapter for NexJ

Project Goal

Develop an adapter to enable NexJ Express model to interact with PostgreSQL database

Supported Versions

  • 8.4
  • 9.0

Current Status

  • Phase 6
  • Phase 7

Project Phases

Phase 1: Investigation (DONE)

  • Get requirements from NexJ (Meeting on Friday Nov 5th)
  • Walk-through the code
  • Familiarization with PostgreSQL

Phase 2: Connect to PostgreSQL server (DONE)

Phase 3: PostgreSQLSchemaManager (DONE)

Phase 4: PostgreSQLAdapter (DONE)

Phase 5: PostgreSQL UnitTests and Optimization (DONE)

  • Estimated Duration: 2 weeks (Feb 28 - Mar 11, 2016)
  • Add database specific tests fostr PostgreSQL
    test for required contrib scripts
    test for custom blob read & write functions
  • Add PostgreSQL specific optimization

Phase 6: Test with NexJ Express Studio (DONE)

  • Estimated duration: Mar 7- Mar 16, 2011
  • Run model in Express studio using the postgresql adapter
  • create scripts for database initialization, creation and dumping
  • create scripts for JBoss
  • Deploy to JBoss

Phase 7: Megre Code with Latest Revision (DONE)

Phase 8: Code Review

  • Estimated Duration:
  • Send Code to NexJ For Review

Project Repository

  • Steps to work with the repository
1- Follow the instructions to create the NexJ Express workspace from the manual.
2- After creating 'ws' directory,
open Eclipse and
click on File -> Import -> Mercurial -> Clone Existing Mercurial Repository
Enter this information:
URL: ssh://
Username: developer
Clone directory name: core
3- The central repository's structure is:
Main branch called 'default'
New branch or branches with this naming convention: 'wsComitter' e.g. 'wsMinoo'
4- After cloning the project, follow these steps to add a new branch with your user name:
First make sure the active branch is 'default'. Notice the top of the Package Explorer e.g. core[5:b8b2f102343@default(tip)]
Right click on 'core' in the Package Explorer
Click on 'Team' -> Add Branch
Enter the branch name in the box -> Finish
Enter the commit message -> OK
Check the 'Force Push' if applicable.
Now the branch name at the top of Package Explorer is changed to the new branch name.
5- To switch to a different branch, choose 'Switch' instead of 'Add Branch'
  • NOTE! To avoid any conflict, do the 'Pull' every day and before any push.
  • NOTE! First just 'Commit' changesets and do not 'Push' them until the end of the day or the time you are confident by latest changes to the code, then 'Push' them all at once and 'Merge' them with the 'default' branch in central repository.
