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Android Concepts

Revision as of 11:36, 8 March 2011 by Jordan.anastasiade (talk | contribs) (What is Android)

What is Android

Android is a software product for mobile devices that has three major parts:

  1. operating system
  2. middleware
  3. applications framework

Android Architecture

Here are the major components based on this [source]


Key principles

1. Linux Kernel - proven driver model, memory and process management, etc. (a core service of a reliable operating system)

2. Libraries (written in C/C++)

Component Responsability
Surface Manager composing drawing surface onto the screen
ES & SGL core of graphics libraries
Media Framework core media: mpeg, mp3, all video formats, etc.
FreeType an engine for rendering fonts
SQLite core of data storage
WebKit an open source web browser engine
SSL security socket layer

3. Android Runtime 3.1 Core Libraries written in JAVA such as: utils, collection, i/o, etc. 3.2 Dalvik Virtual Machine runs dex files (bytecodes efficient for small processors)
