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Revision as of 19:50, 7 November 2006 by John64 (talk | contribs) (Candidates)

IRC Talk about CVSUP

Ok, what i would be interested to know is if i could get fully versioned histories of specific branches, not a versioned copy of the whole code base, due to technical limitations. If this versioning information has a bug number and a reviewer, i can easily implement Blame and version histories into the OpenGrok, making it ideal (imo). Please add your comments as if this were the talk page

Project Name

Source Code Indexing Service Analysis

Project Description

Mozilla’s source code is enormous—millions of lines of C, C++, JavaScript, Perl, Python, Java, C#, etc. Developers currently use the lxr system to quickly search and browse it on-line: Mozilla is planning a move from CVS to Subversion for revision control, and at the same time wants to evaluate other source indexing services. Two BSD students are working to setup, document, and test other potential services (e.g., fisheye, opengrok, mxr) on one of the Seneca-Mozilla servers (see below). In each case this requires configuration changes and some scripting to get the services to properly integrate with Mozilla’s other on-line tools. When the test services are installed and synched with the live source tree, Mozilla will point its developers to them and get feedback—the students will help collect and synthesize this feedback.

Project Leader(s)

Project Contributor(s)

Project News and Details


  • Waiting to see about a license for fisheye
  • OpenGrok has rudimentary (ie a kludge) support for branching.


Serious Candidates
  • LXR/MXR/Bonsai - Not working on setting one up because there is already one
  • OpenGrok - As this is becoming my main focus, I am breaking it out into its own page.
  • Fisheye - Commercial Solution that is free (as in beer) for open source projects.
  • Horus - Not really what is needed, but its a nice interface for programming students own code. I will not be actively doing anything to it.
  • Sourcenav - investigating this project
  • Gonzui - Fairly basic on second examination
  • Google Code Search - No way to specify the Mozilla project only


Notes on Accessing Test Server

If you want to access the test server through anything other than port 80, you are going to have to type in the following address into a browser and note the IP address you get in your address bar. This is because I have dynamic DNS. Everything, including the source itself, will be in the http root for easy access to the files. This is not optimal, and will not stay this way once things advance.

Superfind - Will resolve as computer, which is why you have to use a browser to get the IP


Please edit in an answer if you know

Pulling CVS

This code will pull the CVS for the branches specified in @branches

use strict;
use warnings;

# Pull CVS from the mozilla project server
my $src_root = "/var/mozilla";

# Where is your make executable (Mozilla needs 3.80, nothing else)
my $make = "/home/jhford/oldmake/make";

# Where is your for opengrok???
my $opengroker = "/var/opengrok/";

# Branches to be pulled
my @branches = (

system ("rm -rf ${src_root}/*");

foreach (@branches){
    mkdir ${src_root}/$_;
    cd ${src_root}/$_;
    cvs -d :pserver:anonymous:anonymous\ co -r $_ mozilla/;
    make -f ${src_root}/${_}/mozilla/ checkout MOZ_CO_PROJECT=all;

system ("bash $opengroker");