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My Applied Research Log

Revision as of 22:12, 25 January 2011 by Peter.liu (talk | contribs) (Week 3)

Week 1

1/12/2011 (Wed)  NexJ project team meeting

1/15/2011 (Sat)   Research Notes on the SQLAdapter class

Week 2

1/18/2011 (Tue)

1/19/2011 (Wed)

1/20/2011 (TH)

  • NexJ Coding Standards received from Grace
  • Checkd out the code base of the PostgreSQLAdapter project from the mercurial repository
    • build errors encountered

Week 3

1/24/2011 (Mon)

  • Ran the JUnit test PostgreSQLSchemaManagerTest.
    • errors encountered

1/25/2011 (Tue)

1/26/2011 (Wed)

  • NexJ team meeting