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Template:Ecl labs

Revision as of 13:37, 24 January 2011 by Jordan.anastasiade (talk | contribs)


{{{type}}} Lab Activities - The LAB DUE DATE is in two weeks from the time the lab is defined (for example, the Basics lab is defined in the second week and its due date is in the fourth week; the lab for OSGi is defined in the fourth week and its deadline is in the sixth week, and so forth...)

  • Start and run the {{{type}}} Eclipse.
  • Define the workspace as: ./wksp/{{{type}}}/lab
  • Create a project based on the application defined below in description section.
  • Develop the application, Run and Debug it.
  • When the application runs as expected, Open the Subversion Perspective in {{{type}}} Eclipse and Update the repository that was given to you at the beginning of this course.
  • Write a detailed tutorial about using {{{type}}} Eclipse to develop such an application. The tutorial must be written in wiki/html/ppt/pdf format (choose the format that is more convenient to your team) . Checkin in the repository your tutorial, if the format allows it. (if not, (i.e. if your format does not allow you to store it in your repository), then define in your repository only the address. of your tutorial. Thus, the url address can be used to read your tutorial; for instance, if your tutorial is in wiki format store in the repository the address of wiki tutorial).
  • Update your web page course with a link to your new create lab repository (this is should be done by each student individually in his/her given zenit account).
  • Only one of the team member must send an email to Jordan Anastasiade (Please do not forget to mention in the subject line: TEAM Number and LAB Number)

{{{type}}} Lab Application Description: {{{description}}}

Your lab will be marked based on the following criteria: {{{criteria}}}