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Koji Setup Documentation

Revision as of 12:39, 24 January 2011 by Tewestac (talk | contribs) (Seneca Particpants)

Project Name

Koji Setup Documentation

Project Description

The Koji documentation needs an overhaul. This project will involve setting up a Koji system and documenting the process from the first to the last step.

Project Leader(s)

Todd Westacott - Blog

Project Contributor(s)

Project Details

This project is aimed at revamping the current Fedora wiki on Koji Systems. The goal of the project is to organize the current information into a step by step howto of setting up and running Koji. The wiki will include instructions on using the Koji Build System, running a Koji Build Server and building packages on the Koji Build System.

Project Plan

Tracking mechanism (bugzilla, trac, github, ...):

Key contacts: ctyler, dgilmore

Goals for each release and plans for reaching those goals:

  • 0.1
  • 0.2
  • 0.3


Upsteam Wiki and Web

Koji documentation


Todd Westacott's Blog

Seneca Particpants


Non-Seneca Participants



Planet CDOT

Project News

Currently reviewing the Koji wiki