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Revision as of 09:32, 23 October 2006 by John64 (talk | contribs) (Steps)


OpenGrok is the source browser in use my the OpenSolaris community. It uses Java Servlets running on Java5

Features and Benefits

File History

OpenGrok maintains code version history. I am currently unsure of whether it looks at the CVS versioning information or whether it compares files between indexes. There is also options for many diffs and comparing different, non-concurrent versions.Example


If there are files which cannot be analysed by the included analysers, OpenGrok allows the user to develop their own analysers, I am unsure of whether or not there is a JavaScript analyser allready, maybe even an XPCOM/XUL analyser could be written, but I don't know the first thing about XPCOM/XUL so this maybe allready implemented in another language.

In File Linking

The indexer hyperlinks all symbols to the file and line number of their declaration. If the symbol is in multiple files it shows a list of all files which have it.

Integrates Well

The header and footer are completely customizable. OpenGrok could be integrated with the current MDC potentially. The header and footer are implemented through a variable which holds the copmlete html of the header and footer.

Example Implementation

Installation Procedure


I will be listing all commands and steps I use to setup the plain OpenGrok so that it can be easily replicated


  • Install Ubuntu Linux as a server from the Ubuntu DVD
  • Install the following packages
 - ctags -> exuberant-ctags
 - sun-java5-jdk
 - tomcat5
   - Installs GNU Java which must be removed
  • Run "sudo update-alternatives --config java" and "apt-get remove --purge java-gcj-compat"
  • Change the tomcat5 config (/etc/default/tomcat5) to point to the new default Java runtime (/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre/