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Revision as of 19:12, 22 October 2006 by Elichak (talk | contribs) (SVN commands)

Branch Maintenance

Repository layout:

  • trunk directory - "main line" of development
  • branches directory - branch copies
  • tag directory - tag copies

SVN commands

The typical work cycle will use the following commands:

Update your working copy

When working on a project with a team, you'll want to update your working copy to receive changes made by other developers since your last update
$svn update
U  filename1.c
U  filename2.c
Updated to revision 2.
U <filename> - file was updated (received changes from the server)

Make changes

svn add filename1.c
svn delete filename1.c
svn copy filename1.c filename2.c
svn move filename1.c filename2.c

Examine your changes

After you've made changes, it's a good idea to take a look at exactly what you've changed before committing them to the repository.
$svn status
This will detact all file and tree changes you've made
By passing a specific path, you will get information about that item alone:
$svn status stuff/filename3.c
D    stuff/filename3.c
D <filename/directory> - File or directory was deleted from your working copy
A <filename/directory> - File or directory was added to your working copy

Commit your changes

svn commit

More commands

  • Compare changes from one revision to another:
svn diff --revision 1:4 helloworld.cpp
This example allows us to see what's changed between the first and fourth revision of the helloworld.cpp file.
For a complete guide: