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OOP344 Student Resources

Revision as of 16:57, 14 January 2011 by Asotoude (talk | contribs) (How To Identify on IRC Automatically via mIRC (and Join #Seneca-OOP344 Channel))

OOP344 | Weekly Schedule | Student List | Teams | Project | Student Resources

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Tortoise in 5 - Linked List

This page will serve as a hub for all OOP344 students to create wiki pages related to the course for the purpose of aiding their fellow students. Got a handy trick that makes programming easier? Feel free to build a page about it and link it here for all your classmates to use!


To add a new page, simply put a link at the top of the page and a section below with a link and short description of what the page is about. Simple enough?

Webpages <-- the degree version of oop344. Good for an indepth look at the material. Includes Workshops and Walkthroughs <-- Notes only up to Oct 28, 2009. Includes past tests

svn:// <-- Up to Date Notes shown in all lectures


What is SVN? Subversion or SVN is a control system where it allows you to properly organize and manage files and directories and the changes to them over time. SVN allows you to recover older versions of your data, or examine the history of how your data changed. In this regard, many people think of a version control system as a sort of “time machine”. [1]

SVN Clients

  • Tortoise in 5 - This page is dedicated to those poor souls that have to use SVN but don't have time to read through chapter upon chapter about it just to be able to participate in assignment 2.
  • RabbitVCS - RabbitVCS is a Linux alternative to TortoiseSVN. This page will help describe how to install and use RabbitVCS.
  • RapidSVN - Another SVN client for Linux - a very simple and straight-forward SVN client.

SVN Hosts

The best way to learn SVN is to experiment it, we programmers, love to explore. Though Seneca already provides us SVN hosting, there are other free SVN hosting out there that you can use and experiment around (since you might not want to mess around with your team's account if you don't know what you're doing). One of the best SVN hosts out there is probably Google Code Hosting because it has many cool features such as web presentation of syntax highlighted sources, diff, wiki and more (which you can do also within a client program) of sources and it does show what SVNs are truly for: ease.

Here's a few SVN hosts:

NOTE: Seneca already provides us SVN hosting (SVN login and pass), all of our work academic work should be all there.

Creating Projects in Visual Studio for Console Applications

Visual Studio is available for download from ACS

To create a new project for console applications:

  • From the File menu, select New > Project
  • Select Project Type as Visual C++ > Win32
  • Select template Win32 Console Application
  • Assign project name and choose local directory
  • Uncheck the box Create directory for solution
  • In the wizard, click on Application Settings
  • Application type of Console application should be selected
  • Check the box beside Empty project

In "Solution Explorer", add new item to Header Files or Source Files.

The Basics of IRC

IRC is also known as Internet Relay Chat. The principal of it is essentially to provide accessible chat rooms for people over the internet over multiple operating systems.

To be able to connect and interact with IRC, one must first have an IRC client of some sort. There is a wide variety of different IRC clients on all platforms. Here is a list of just a few:

Once installed and running, you will have such options as connecting to various servers. We're particularly interested in the one which the seneca chatroom is located.

Basic Commands

Command Description
/server Connects your client to an IRC server. In this case, it is the freenode server
/join #seneca Join #seneca channel
/nick YOURNEWNICKNAME Change your nickname
/leave #seneca Leave #seneca channel
/part #seneca Another fancy (more elegant) way of leaving
/query NICKNAME Open a private chat with someone

See this for more advanced (and fun) IRC commands that works at Freenode.

Protecting your Nickname

Once connected to the server, it is a good idea to register your nick, otherwise someone can impersonate you and steal your nick -- Forcing you to change your name again.

To register, one uses the following command: /msg nickserv REGISTER foo

This will associate your account with the e-mail, as well as have your password be foo. To identify yourself, you do a similar command: /msg nickserv IDENTIFY foo

If someone has taken your registered nick, or you have a zombie in the channel (Where you drop connection but you still appear in the channel), there is a command to fix that.

Command Description
/msg NickServ RECOVER [nick] [personal password] RECOVER Kill another user who has taken your nick (leave out the brackets [])
/msg NickServ GHOST [nick] [personal password] GHOST Kills the nickname (NOTE: Please use the Ghost command instead for now and leave out the brackets [])

NOTE: Stick with GHOST for now, as RECOVER is becoming more obsolete.

Seneca @ Freenode

Freenode is an IRC server/network. It is the largest free and open source software-focused IRC network.

Seneca's official IRC channels such as #seneca, #seneca-social, #seneca-oop344 and more are all at Freenode.

To connect to Freenode, one has to have an IRC client. If you are too lazy to download and install an IRC client, Freenode has an alternate way to connect to their network called freenode Web IRC. It is an IRC webapp client written in javascript. You will not need to install anything, just visit and follow instructions. Everything will work in your browser as if it's magic.

How To Log IRC Conversations on mIRC

To log conversations on mIRC, you need to :

  1. Right click on the channel on the Switchbar (The bar with the channel names on it)
  2. Select Logging
  3. Select On

To view a logged conversation:

  1. Click on Tools
  2. Click on Log Files...
  3. Find you log file and double click it

How To Identify on IRC Automatically via mIRC (and Join #Seneca-OOP344 Channel)

If you are using mIRC to connect to IRC and wish to automatically identify your nickname after its been registered so you do not have to type it out every time you connect to Freenode do the following:

  1. . In the mIRC GUI, go to Tools > Script Editor
  2. . Click on the Remote tab
  3. . Add the following code to the page and click OK. (Remember to replace your PASSWORD with your password you set when you registered)

ON 1:NOTICE:*registered*identify*:?:{
  /msg nickserv identify PASSWORD
  /join #seneca-oop344

Online C++ tutorial

Linked List Explained

Linked List
If you don't really understand how linked lists work or why we should even use them then this page is made for you!
Another Linked List Tutorial
This is another tutorial for linked lists that will walk you through how to program one.

Practice Questions/Solutions