The purpose of this project is to provide a new programming interface and API for popcorn.js.
It will provide pause, play, and seek functionality for multiple videos that play one after the other.
Project Leader(s)
Joel Young
Annie Sobiepanek
Scott Downe
Christopher DeCairos
Project Contributor(s)
Project Details
It has been decided that VideoSequencer will be an external library for popcorn.js. There is a lighthouse ticket here. The Github repository for VideoSequencer can be found here.
duration is the total length in seconds of all the videos.
segments[] is an array of the video elements in the Sequencer
VideoSequencer currently contains these methods:
- VideoSequencer() - Constructor
- play() - Plays the currently active video
- pause() - Pauses the currently active video
- togglePlay() - if the active video is playing, it is paused. and vice-versa
- add(src, len, index) - adds the URI in src of length len (in seconds) to the list of segments
- seek(time) - calculates which segment is playing at the specified time, and swaps to it, then seeks to the right position (NEEDS WORK)
- swap(seeking) - removes the active video tag from the DOM and displays the inactive video. It then creates a hidden tag and begins pre-loading it. if seeking is set to true, it will remove both tags.
- addEventListener(event, callback, useCapture) - adds the event and callback to the queue if it does not exist already, and then adds it to the currently playing video.
- removeEventListener(event, callback, usecapture) - if event and callback exist in the event queue, they are remove from the queue and also from the currently playing video.
- addListenersToCurrentVideo(listener) - adds all callbacks in the queue for "listener" to the currently playing video
- createVideoTag(width, height, controls, hidden) - creates a new video tag with the specified settings and returns it.
- update() - checks to see if the active video is about to end. If the video is about to end it calls swap().
- convertXML(xmlDoc) - parses the video segment data into the VideoSequencer.
- getSegmentData(segDataFile) - creates an XMLHttpRequest to get the segment data XML, then callse convertXML(xmlDoc)
- calculateDuration() - calculates the duration of all the videos in the segment object and returns the value.
Project News
Friday, October 22, 2010: VideoSequencer.js 0.1 Release!
Monday, December 20, 2010: VideoSequencer.js 0.2 Realease!
Thursday, December 23, 2010: VideoSequencer.js 0.3