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DPS905 Hic Sunt Dracones

Revision as of 10:32, 11 November 2010 by JBoelen (talk | contribs) (Project Marking Percentage)

Razed by Fire

Project Marking Percentage

Group work:      25%        (25 <= xx <= 50)
Individual work: 75% +      (50 <= xx <= 75) 
Total           100%


Repo path


Trunk Status

committed by sweerdenburg

Team Members

Group Email


  • IRC
    • Sundays at 9pm in channel #HSD on
  • TEL Open Lab
    • Thursdays from 9:50 - 11:40 in TEL Open Lab

Game Information

Phase 1


Our game is a third-person action shooter where the user is a dragon that is flying over villages and attempting to reign havoc. In reaction to the attacks soldiers gather in increasingly greater numbers and try to fight back against the dragon. The dragon will be able to destroy both the villages and the soldiers by shooting fire at them. The rate that villages & soldiers appear at will increase over time making it more difficult to kill enough to keep their numbers down.

A bar at the top of the screen will represent how close the number of soldiers is to reaching the amount required to 'fight you off'. Once the bar is full you the game ends and your score is awarded. The goal is to kill soldiers at a fast enough rate to lower the bar and survive the longest while destroying all the villages that you can.

Some technical design challenges include adding controller support for mouse, keyboard and maybe joystick and algorithms for choosing where and when to create new buildings or villagers.

The initial version of our game will include:

  • villages as simple cubes
  • soldiers as simple rectangles
  • flat level ground for the world
  • ability to look around with a mouse and steer with keyboard. Movement is on x and y planes but not z, the dragon is at a fixed elevation in the air.
  • a 'shoot' mechanic to attack cubes and rectangles

Later versions -could- include (time permitting):

  • increasing numbers of soldiers with bar showing representation of numbers
  • dynamic village and soldier placement
  • multiple attacks using a 'rock paper scissor' concept with certain attacks needed for certain targets. Make the user need to think about their attack choice
  • some visceral feedback to user (such as: slight screen bob with dragon's wings, more dramatic elongated perspective when flying forward to make it feel faster, screen shakes and bobs to various things like attacks, etcs)
  • extra terrain details
  • line of sight checks
  • collision detection

Likely Improvements To Engine

primary focus areas

graphic improvements Daniel, Kaitlyn
game logic, camera James
improvements to audio, specifically to use OOG files Jon
fog, emissive light Kaitlyn
computer a.i. logic Steven
add stock objects (sphere, torus, etc.) Steven
import model script Daniel

other possible

collision detection
comprehensive camera motion

Game Mockups

  • Objects
  • Interface
  • Possible Map of the World of the Game

Phase 2



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