BTH740 Research Essay 20103
Revision as of 19:53, 10 November 2010 by Chris Szalwinski (talk | contribs)
How To Write a Research Essay
Four Stages of Research
- Thesis Statement
- Research
- Writing
- Presentation
Thesis Statement
Requirements For the Final Essay
set by the instructor - what you need to know before starting to prepare the thesis statement
- number of sources
- primary >= 2
- secondary >= 4
- tertiary - summarize
- length 1600-2400 words
- due date November 18 2010
- late penalties 20%
- timeline:
- thesis statement - due October 18
- preliminary research - due November 1
- recording details - due November 8
- writing - due November 22
- publication - due November 25
Narrowing the Focus
select the topic
- sources
- encyclopedias
- textbooks
- dictionaries
- videos
- process
- jot down ideas
- discuss ideas
- circle one that are of interest
- select one from a short-list
- select another as the alternative
Searching for Sources
create working bibliography
- questions to answer
- are there sufficient sources
- is each one relevant to the focus
- are the sources diverse
- are the sources quality sources
- are there twice as many sources as required
- process
- read
- abstracts
- conclusions
- reviews
- balance
- books
- articles
- electronic
- audio-visual
- old
- new
- list publication details accurately
- read
Defining the Purpose
- single sentence plus keywords
- discuss the thesis
- discuss with two peers
- refine the focus
- define the scope
- pose the research question
- sufficient sources
- narrow enough topic
- avoid
- bibliographical
- narrative
- descriptive
- unfounded assumptions
- how successful not why successful
- formulate one precise sentence
- task is to answer the question <- sole purpose
- make short list of sub-tasks
- identify keywords
- thesis statement
- keywords
- bibliography
Preparatory Readings
purpose: rephrase the thesis statement
- develop a fuller understanding of the topic
- read some of the shorter sources
- keep the research question in mind
- rephrase your thesis
Record Research Data
purpose: create the research note record
- maintain a well-balanced variety of source materials
- question what you read and record continuously
- read the prioritized sources carefully and in detail
- analyze and select ideas and data related to your thesis
- record all relevant information as research notes
- for
- against
- review other sources for context, support and opposition
- process
- types of notes
- direct quotations
- personal insights
- paraphrases
- summarizations
- method of documentation
- note
- page number
- source number
- major questions to keep in mind
- does the note pertain to the thesis question
- should I reconsider the focus
- should I broaden the focus
- should I narrow the focus further
- types of notes
Assemble and Prioritize
purpose: create a flowing argument
- assemble the notes into major groups
- arrange the notes within each group in order
- distinguish deductive, inductive, and abductive conclusions
- edited thesis statement
- prioritized note record
- outline of the argument
purpose: organize the flow
- structure
- introduction
- body
- arguments
- conclusion
- process
- retain results that pertain to the thesis
- create a skeleton
- use point form
Rough Draft
purpose: compose the argument in ascending order of importance/interest
- preface
- title
- abstract
- keywords
- introduction
- context
- purpose
- interpretations
- thesis statement
- body
- each point is one paragraph
- conclusion
- sum up supporting points
- no new information
- one to three paragraphs
purpose: create final draft
- check instructor's requirements
- format
- layout
- 1st person or third person
- citation style
- Chicago
- expression
- argument flow
- paragraphing
- circle the topic sentence in each
- clarify your points
- read out loud - use your auditory system
- to be added later
- General
- Writing Labs
- Stylesheets
- Classification