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User:Minooz/Tasks/Fall Oct 2010

< User:Minooz‎ | Tasks
Revision as of 09:42, 1 November 2010 by Minooz (talk | contribs) (Week 3)

OCT 2010

Week 1

  • Fri - 1
Worked on the Mercurial documentation
Read about Buildbot and Ant scripts
  • Mon, Tue - 4:5
Worked with Grace on documentation Ver1.4
Searched about Buildbot
  • Wed, Thur, Fri - 6:8
Research about different Java based Continuous Integration (CI)systems to automate building new change sets of Mercurial Repository.
Finalized the proposal of Automation of Synchronizing two Mercurial Repositories.

Week 2

  • Tue : Fri 12 : 15
Installed Hudson Building Environment
practiced a sample project with Hudson
Read about Ant and practiced with it
Started to work with bash script for list of tasks

Week 3

  • Tue : Fri 19 : 22
Worked on the automating bash script to sync the Internal and External Mercurial repository
completed the script and tried it both on Cygwin and on Hudson with a sample project

Week 4

  • Mon : Thur 25 : 28
Worked on Hudson and tried to get the NexJ Express Model up and running on it.