GAM666/DPS901 | Weekly Schedule | Student List | Project Requirements | Teams and their Projects | Student Resources
Project Marking Percentage
Group work: 40% (25 <= xx <= 50) Individual work: 60% + (50 <= xx <= 75) ------------------------- Total 100%
Repo path
Trunk Status
committed by [NAME] / being committed by [NAME]
Team Memebers
First Name | Last Name | Team Name | Subject | Seneca Id | wiki id | IRC nick | Blog URL |
Ali | Samimi | Wild Sparrows | GAM666 | asamimi | asamimi | asa_ | The Door |
Kijeong | Kim | Wild Sparrows | GAM666 | kjkim | kjkim | TonyKim | Blog |
Shengwei | Wang | Wild Sparrows | GAM666 | swang94 | shengwei | shengwei | Shengwei's blog |
Xiongwen | LU | Wild Sparrows | GAM666 | xlu44 | xlu44 | xlu44 | BLOG FOR GAM666 |
Due dates
Proposal outline and team members selected | September 21 |
Proposal completed and members roles selected | September 28 |
Research into game requirements begins | September 29 |
Approval meeting with instructor | Weeks of October 3 and October 10 |
Draft game submission and project review | November 16 |
Final game presentation | December 7 |
Multiplayer 3D Tetris
The game is a classic Tetris with 3D view and functionality. The screen has different sizes. The minimum of screen size is of 3x3x10 and the maximum size is 7x7x20.The game has different levels and every level is different difficulty. It supports keyboard and mouse. With keyboard, players control blocks. And players can rotate in different directions in the3D space. The 3D blocks can move in the surface while they are falling to ground. With mouse, we change the view angle of our game. And user can see from every angle. The game is a multiplayer game, so two people can compete. If a player destroys one layer, another player will get one layer. Game will be finished when one user doesn’t have any more layers and all of them are full. If a layer filled will blocks, the layer will be destroyed. Destroying will be with sound. When a block riches ground or hit another block it will be stop and another block will come from top. User can have a preview of next block. All blocks are 3D and they will be generated randomly. For multiplayer all blocks are the same for all players. All the players can see other player’s page.
Reference Source :
Team: Wild Sparrows
Members: Ali Samimi, Shengwei Wang, Xiongwen Lu, Kijeong Kim
Map of the World of the Game
Moderator's - Instructors Comments
Any other thing you find necessary
Meeting Log
October 25th Meeting
Meeting place : Room 1132, Seneca Library
Meeting time : 14:25 pm ~ 16:00 pm
- Discuss details on our game
- Divide up roles
- Tony - Sound
- Ali - Conflict Algorithm
- Shengwei - Drawing a 3D container