BTH740 Research Essay 20103
Revision as of 19:05, 7 October 2010 by Chris Szalwinski (talk | contribs) (→Searching for Sources)
BTH740 -- Research Essay
Four Stages of Research
- Thesis Statement
- Research
- Writing
- Presentation
Thesis Statement
set by the instructor
- number of sources
- primary >= 2
- secondary >= 4
- tertiary - summarize
- length 1600-2400 words
- due date November 18 2010
- late penalties 20%
- timeline:
- thesis statement - due October 18
- preliminary research - due November 1
- recording details - due November 8
- writing - due November 15
- publication - due November 18
Narrowing the Focus
select the topic
- sources
- encyclopedias
- textbooks
- dictionaries
- videos
- process
- jot down ideas
- discuss ideas
- circle one that are of interest
- select one from a short-list
- select another as the alternative
Searching for Sources
create working bibliography
- questions to answer
- are there sufficient sources
- is each one relevant to the focus
- are the sources diverse
- are the sources quality sources
- are there twice as many sources as required
- process
- read
- abstracts
- conclusions
- reviews
- balance
- books
- articles
- electronic
- audio-visual
- old
- new
- list publication details accurately
- read
Defining the Purpose
single sentence plus keywords