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OPS235 Bonus Assignment

Revision as of 13:32, 30 September 2010 by Chris Tyler (talk | contribs) (Created page with '{{Draft}}Every year, Seneca hosts the [ Free Software and Open Source Symposium] (FSOSS). Several hundred open source developers, leaders, users, and enthusiasts g…')
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This is a draft only!
It is still under construction and content may change. Do not rely on this information.
Every year, Seneca hosts the Free Software and Open Source Symposium (FSOSS). Several hundred open source developers, leaders, users, and enthusiasts gather for two days of workshops and presentations. You have the opportunity to attend this event without travel and at a very low cost -- a great opportunity!

If you attend FSOSS 2010, you can get a bonus of up to 5% in OPS235. Here's how it works:

  1. Register for and attend at least the Presentation day of FSOSS 2010(Friday of the fall Study Week - October 29).
  2. Make detailed notes on at least three presentations.
  3. Write up a detailed report.


  • +0% -- If the bonus is not completed or is poorly completed.
  • +2.5% -- For a well-written report of 3-5 typed pages plus cover page, including your personal reflections on the event and on three talks.
  • +5% -- For a high-quality report which meets these criteria:
    • Includes well-written personal reflections on at least three talks and the overall event
    • Includes a good excerpt or reflections on a personal conversation with one of the FSOSS presenters
    • Includes one or more photographs of the event
    • Is posted on Planet CDOT (see Planet CDOT Feed List and Blog Guidelines for information on how to post appropriately to Planet CDOT).

To submit your bonus assignment:

  • If submitting on paper, physically hand in your report to your professor by Friday, October 5.
  • If submitting via a blog post on Planet CDOT, ensure the posting shows on Planet CDOT by Friday, October 5. Hand in a typed sheet of paper containing your name, section, e-mail address, and the URL of your blog post, by Friday, October 5.