- Attend the 9th Seneca Free Software and Open Source Symposium
- Talk to the speakers or workshop leaders
- Write a personal relections on the talks and the overall event
- Take some photos and post it to the Seneca Open Source planet
- submit a report by November 5th, 2010
Level 1: +5% to your overall grade
- Very strong report on the event, including coverage of 3+ talks.
- the report must include at least:
- a conversation with one of the speakers or workshop leaders
- personal reflections on the talks and the overall event
- one or more photographs; and be posted to the Seneca Open Source planet.
Level 2: +2.5% to your overall grade
- A quality, formal report on the event, including coverage of 3+talks, 3-5 pages in length.
Level 3: +0%
- No report, or insufficent/poor quality.