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Talk:Taking a Pulse

Revision as of 21:56, 25 September 2010 by Sonja11 (talk | contribs)

I am looking forward to seeing folks try this out!

Looks like Janet gets the prize for responding first! - thanks Janet!

I believe the "big prize" is the ability to collaborate online via a WIKI will help break log-jams which may stall highly technical projects or tasks...
If we contribute (large and small) consistently to this technology, then we ALL win...

What do you get for second place? Brian B.

The satisfaction for a job well done... and you just can't put a price on that... Actually, you get first prize from anyone participating in the discussion section! Murray S.

There's no second place, is there? I didn't read that in the manual. Jan

This will be great for keeping up to date on what everyone is working on. Wish I knew about this before I stared the CE Coordinator position. It would have saved a lot of time and emailing back and forth and people "forgetting" about the emails I had sent them. Perhaps the next coordinator will benefit from this. Sonja

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