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Revision as of 10:49, 22 September 2010 by Dperit (talk | contribs)

Game Name Goes here

Team Members

First Name Last Name Subject Seneca Id wiki id IRC nick Blog URL MSN
YuJin Jeong GAM666 yjeong yujin.jeong _YJ Spirit & Soul
David Perit GAM666 drperit dperit dperit
Andrew Condinho GAM666 ajcondinho ajcondinho Dueraim Andrew's Blog
Brian Law GAM666 blaw1 blaw1

Email All

Member Roles

Member Role
YuJin 1. Book Meeting Room Every Week
David TBA
Andrew TBA
Brian TBA


Will be updated by David soon .. !

Map of the World of the Game

Moderator's - Instructors Comments

Important Project Due Dates

Tasks Due Date
1. Proposal outline and team members selected September 21
2. Proposal completed and members roles selected September 28
3. Research into game requirements begins September 29
4. Approval meeting with instructor Weeks of October 3 and October 10
5. Draft game submission and project review November 16
6. Final game presentation December 7

Meeting Log

Sept 16th Meeting

Meeting place : Room 1131, Seneca Library


  1. Look for the last member
  2. Brainstorming on our game - share any ideas in mind
  3. Decide member roles
  4. How this group will work
  5. Set regular meeting schedule
    1. at least once a week
    2. share each other's timetable


  1. Brian joined our group !
  2. Agreed on David's idea - he will put up more details on wiki page
  3. Will be decided later
  4. Work under one trunk
  5. Regular Meeting Schedule
    1. in-person meeting
    2. at Seneca Library - YuJin will book the room every week
    3. on every Thursday between 9:50am and 11:40am

Sept 23th Meeting

Meeting place : Room 1132, Seneca Library
Meeting time  : 9:50am ~ 11:40am


  1. Finalize our game proposal
  2. Divide roles & responsibilities
  3. Keep updated
    1. subscribe to team page and course pages
    2. subscribe by clicking 'watch' of each page menu
  4. Creating our own private team page ???
    1. to disclose certain information of our group project ???
