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GAM666/DPS901Student List 20103

Revision as of 17:54, 14 September 2010 by Gwan7 (talk | contribs)

GAM666/DPS901 Student List for Fall of 2010

Make sure you have the following done before you add your name here:

  • You have a registered name for IRC; server.
  • You have a blog for GAM666/DPS901 either by filtering your posts or a dedicated blog. (Optional)
    • Please make sure you blog feed to Planet CDOT is filtered by a keyword or category so only blog posts related to our work in GAM666/DPS901 is posted on the planet

Please add your information to the student list table below by adding the following to the end of table code (if you are a student in GAM666/DPS901, Fall of 2010).

|[[User:WUN | FN]]||LN||[[TPN |TN]] ||
SUB||[ LID]||[[Special:Contributions/WUN | WUN]]||IN||[BURL BN]

Replace the following with your own information when adding the row to the table:

  • WUN: Your Wiki User name
  • FN: Your First Name
  • LN: Your Last Name
  • TPN: Youre Team/Project Page Name on wiki
  • TN: Your Team name
  • SUB: Your Subject(example: DPS901)
  • LID: Your seneca email ID (learn id)
  • IN: Your IRC Registered Nickname
  • BURL: Your Blog URL (if you do have one)
  • BN: Your Blog Title

Do Not add your row unless you have all the required above information.

If your information is not added to the following line, your work and assignments will not be marked.

GAM666/DPS901 - Fall of 2010 student list
First Name Last Name Team Name Subject Seneca Id wiki id IRC nick Blog URL
fardad Soleimanloo Team Name GAM666 fardad.soleimanloo fardad fardad Fardad's Seneca Blog
YuJin Jeong Team Blam GAM666 yjeong yujin.jeong _YJ Spirit & Soul
Ryan Alexander Team Name GAM666 [1] rjalexander tdot Tdots's Seneca Blog
Corey Angus Team Name GAM666 [2] caangus caangus [no blog]
Aleh Pliats Team Name GAM666 apliats apliats oleg_pliats Aleh Pliats
Dan Ventura Team Name GAM666 dsventura dsventura danman N/A
Damien Mcgrath Team Zombie GAM666 dmmcgrath dmmcgrath Vandesdelca N/A
Qing Feng Team Zombie GAM666 qfeng5 qfeng5 zxcvbnm N/A
David Perit Team Blam GAM666 drperit dperit dperit
Andrew Condinho Team Blam GAM666 ajcondinho ajcondinho Dueraim Andrew's Blog
Ali Samimi Wild Sparrows GAM666 asamimi asamimi asa_ The Door
Kijeong Kim Wild Sparrows GAM666 kjkim kjkim TonyKim Blog
Shengwei Wang Wild Sparrows GAM666 swang94 shengwei shengwei Shengwei's blog
Xiongwen LU Wild Sparrows GAM666 xlu44 xlu44 xlu44 [3]
Carl Desautels Team Name GAM666 cwdesautels cwdesautels n/a Carl
Kaitlyn Callow Name TBA DPS901 dacallow dacallow Kaitlyn Kaitlyn's Rambling Ramblings
Kyle Barnhart Name TBA DPS901 kmbarnhart kmbarnhart kmbarnhart None
Mark Barciak Name TBA DPS901 mbarciak mbarciak mbarciak None
Alex Roizin Name TBA GAM666 aroizin aroizin aroizin None
James Boelen - DPS901 jboelen JBoelen Athrus None
Jordan Raffoul Cerebral Thought DPS901 jbraffoul jbraffoul jbraffoul None
Volodymyr Dryzhepolov SheetBrix Robotix GAM666 vdryzhepolov vladimir Vovko Vladimir Drizhepolov Blog
Pete Leaning Team Zombie GAM666 pete peleaning peleaning Pete's blog
Geoffrey Mok - GAM666 gmok gmok gmok gmok's blog
Shayan Ahmad Cerebral Thought DPS901 Shayan Ahmad szahmad szahmad Shayan's Blog
Steven Weerdenburg Name TBA DPS901 sweerdenburg sweerdenburg Steven Steven's Blog
Steve Borges - GAM666 scborges Scborges Steve None
Gerald Wan Cerebral Thought DPS901 Gerald Wan gwan7 gwan7 None