Week 2
Tuesday, September 7
- Set up workstation and downloaded browsers, xCode, and started installing and setting up github account
Wednesday, September 8
- Finished creating remote and local branches of github
- Downloaded another version of xCode
Thursday, Septmber 9
- Completed a ProcessingJS demo
- Github tutorial
- Blog + wiki
Friday, September 10
- Blogged
- Github practice
- Learned XML
Week 3
Monday, September 13
- Started a function that retrieved and parsed a JSON object (Twitter--user id--look for keywords indicating emotion) for the Lev Feels Fine Demo
- Lots of $.getJSON research
Tuesday, September 14
- Finished the function
- Started on a function that would retrieve and parse a JSON object that contains a particular Twitter hashtag (Twitter--hashtag--look for keywords indicating the mood/general opinion about the topic)