Thursday July 1st
Friday July 2nd
Saturday July 3rd
Sunday July 4th
Monday July 5th
- Added the user's name to the flickr div here this was a simple matter of finding the right variable from the flickr stream json
- Added a colour flash to the div when a popcorn event fires here and grayed it out when it's not active.
- Looked into jquery's animate method, need something to grow and shrink the overlay image when they appear and disapear, but I may just use fade in and out.
Tuesday July 6th
- fixed some html errors in the popcorn demo. Fixed a JavaScript error in the popcorn library here
- Decided fade in and out were easier than grow and shrink, changing the size would do weird things, and display them as a block, and not inline. Also, growing htem from the middle wans't work, and just from bottm right or top left, decided it wasn't worth it and that fade in and out look just as good.
- Added a fade in and out to popcorn overlays and hard coded a default image link here, the default can be overwritten with overlay="link/to/new/png"
- Started finishing the credit's data. Finished here
- Started debugging popcorn with jslint, jquery $ is a problem, will look into it more tomorrow.
Wednesday July 7th
- Blogged about popcorn.js
- CDOT meeting, demo'd Popcorn.js
- Worked on Processing.js again, and did three small tickets remove instance arrayList set and arrayList add
- My two arraylist tickets did today were put under review needs work, but I think I may disagree for the reasons, being that my patch supports everything p5 does, but doesn't support what it doesn't do, meaning, I don't support its errors, just its functionality. I can add the errors easily, but I don't think it's the right thing to do and need to get a second opinion. I spent some time today talking to Pomax about this on irc, and did some testing and thinking on it, and I still think we should allow the quirks of javascript to shine through processing.js.
Thursday July 8th
- Blogged about google translate and followed Mozilla summit
- Short day because I went to a funeral in the afternoon