Tuesday June 1st
- Worked with notmasteryet thorugh irc on new lightweight parser . I merged the current parser work into a working copy of 0.9.3. This would include the word done on 0.9.1, and anything that was staged in 0.9.3 up to that point. I had to do a few tweaks to make everything work, and I had to fix one small bug with array parameters defined inside a function definition, using the [] after the name, instead of the type caused an error.
Wednesday June 2nd
- Fixed an issue with spaces before the int in a for loop --> for( int i;m in the new parser.
- Set the super review process for the new parser.
- I really did spend a lot of time just trying to read, and understand the new parser.
- Went through what is left for 0.9.3 and picked up a couple tickets 611 and 368
Thursday June 3rd
- Did an initial attempt on 611.
- Did and created a test for 368.
- Continued work with notmaster to get the light parser finished by helping to track down trace issues, and issues with brightness2 example in chrome not user getters and setters as fast as ff.
Wednesday June 4th
- Found an issue with opera not working on linux, as version 10.10 does not yet exist for Linux, and only 10.10 has support for string.trim. Had to add string.trim. The fix was easy... getting there was not.