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< User:Paul.W
Revision as of 16:05, 27 May 2010 by Paul.W (talk | contribs)

03 Monday

  • Meetings and Orientation
  • Began to setup workstation

05 Wednesday

  • Completed workstation set up after battling extensively with Grub
  • Meeting with Chris Tyler
  • Discussed and decided on ARM hardware purchases including storage requirements
  • Began research on packaging in Fedora and requirements for obtaining packager status

14 Friday

  • work on mediawiki demo for OCE Discovery - initially working with the GuruPlug, however due to rebooting issues work was then moved to the SheevaPlug.

15 Saturday

  • completed Mediawiki install on Sheeva Plug for OCE Discovery.

17 Monday

  • OCE Discovery

18 Tuesday

  • OCE Discovery

20 Thursday

  • connected all hardware back up after OCE Discovery, using fast ethernet switch to network GuruPlug as it suffers from reboots when connected to GigE.
  • Began work on esia package, installing needed software on arm3.

21 Friday

  • continued work on esia
  • created certificates for arm3
  • added arm3 to Koji database (space issue has builder listed as enabled but not ready)

25 Tuesday

  • Worked on packaging esia, removing mount requirements and sudo commands from Makefiles.
  • created patch to be applied for esia
  • research on guestfish as mounting alternative
  • recieved shipment of 25 MicroSD, 2 Gigabit switches and 640GB hard drive.
  • restored openRD file system on new microSD

26 Wednesday

  • fixed space issue on arm3, builder now ready and enabled.
  • reconnected openrd, created and added certs, openrd also now online.
  • successfully mounted and inserted files with guestfish, edited Makefile with new commands. Still fails to build due to permissions error.

27 Thursday

  • Completed packaging of esia without errors. Permissions needed to be changed when Makefile executed.
  • Research on packaging guidelines from Fedora.
  • Began self review of esia package before submission.