03 Monday
- Meetings and Orientation
- Setup Hardware Workstations
04 Tuesday
- Setup Windows 7
- Installed tools needed on Windows 7 (Firefox, Minefield, Webkit...)
- Setup mIRC on Win7
- Setup Linux Environment(dual monitor setup/linux drivers)
05 Wednesday
- Setup git on Win7
- Setup XChat on Linux
- Setup git on Linux
- Built mozilla-central on Linux
- Conference call about OCE presentation
06 Thursday
- Scoured PJS Google Groups for demos and problems
- Helped Scott locate a parser problem involving Classes
- Wrote 2D bezierVertex and made it functional
07 Friday
- Worked on fixing colors for beginShape/endShape only to find out that there's something missing in the shader code
- Discussed shader code with Andor
- Wrote ticket for Andor to fix shader code and set deadline
- Wrote up timeline for Anna
10 Monday
- Worked on tests in test-suite
- Met with John about OCE presentation
- Worked on OCE presentation
- Re-ran test-suite for updated 0.9 release (on Firefox and Minefield)
11 Tuesday
- Wrote a blog post
- Downloaded and installed xvidcap for Ubuntu
- Helped Andor with the speech outline
- Looking through Open Processing for demos to use at the OCE booths