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Team !YOU - OOP344

Revision as of 20:28, 15 March 2010 by Mdadams1 (talk | contribs)

OOP344 | Weekly Schedule | Student List | Teams | Project | Student Resources
This is Team !YOU's Project Page

You will find all project related information here

Team Members


Please visit the Discussion Page often, so we can share resources and opinions with others in between our weekly meetings.


Skype Name
Name SkyName
Matthew Adams matt_adams21


Our IRC channel is #oop344_!you on freenode. Please join the channel whenever you are on IRC.

The channel is restricted to Fardad and the team members. There is an access list that will automatically kick and ban anyone not listed. For this reason, we should always make sure we are using our official IRC nicks (or one within our nick group) and that we are identified with the nickserv (/nickserv identify mypassword) before issuing the join command.

If you are getting a message that you are banned on our channel, make sure you are identified and then issue the command

 /chanserv unban #oop344_!you 

before trying to join again.

IRC Meetings

Our first meeting was on Wednesday, January 27th, from 10pm to midnight. On the following weeks, we will meet regularly on Mondays from 8pm to 10pm.

To view information about past or upcoming meetings, please visit!YOU_-_IRC_Meetings.

Team Programming Standards

An area for listing our teams programming standards that we will use when constructing the project. Please follow these rules when writing code for this project. This will make it easier for us to help each other and collaborate in the whole process.

Official Team !You Programming Standards

To view a list of our agreeded upon programming standards, please visit!YOU_-_Official_Standards.

The Project

An area for us to post information and links for our team project.

Basic Input Output Library

Our page for the basic input output library, the first part of our project.


Second stage of the project, switching to object-oriented programming

Tasks Members Working On It Status Due Date
BFrame Class tjcatibog committed Wednesday Mar, 10th 17:00
BField Class fmdeoliveira Wednesday Mar, 10th Midnight
BEdit Class mziaei1 committed Thursday Mar, 11th 17:00
BLabel Class ammisko committed Thursday Mar, 11th 17:00
BForm Class award committed TBA
BForm Class MattAdams committed TBA

Helpful External Links