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Westminster Computer Lab WIKI

Revision as of 23:02, 14 February 2010 by Msaul (talk | contribs)

Purpose of Computer Lab WIKI

A wiki (pronounced "Wick ee") is a website that allows for collaborative editing and information sharing. The purpose of the Westminster Computer lab WIKI is to have an area to share information and resources regarding the computer lab...

Background of Westminster United Church

Westminster dates from 1837, when a Presbyterian congregation was organized at Orangeville. The United Church of Canada was organized in 1925 with the union of Presbyterian, Methodist and Congregational churches. The Westminster congregation was formed in 1948 when St. Andrew's United and First Avenue United joined. The church was completed in 1879 by Zion Presbyterian and was used by St. Andrew's United until renamed Westminster in 1948.

Westminster has a proud tradition of supporting music and the arts, and also providing programs for Orangeville and outlying areas.

Listed below are a few of these programs are listed below:

  • Celebration Choir
  • Westminster Bells
  • The Westminstrels Men's Choir
  • Alanon Meetings
  • Boy Scouts
  • etc..

Purpose of the Westminster Computer Lab

The primary purpose of creating the Westminster Computer lab was to provide a Computer Lab to support the members of Westminster as well as the Orangeville community.

Primary Focus of Computer Lab:

  • Westminster Youth Group
  • Sunday School Activities (CE)
  • Westminster Congregation
  • Church Events (eg. Summer Camp)
  • Booking / Rental Opportunities:
    • Homework Club (provincial Funding)
    • Community-Based Events
    • Community Training and Education
    • Other Opportunities

Computer Lab Facts

Here are some facts about the Westminster Computer Lab:

  • Computer lab was designed to provide users with full computer usability at a low setup and maintenance cost.
  • Workstations (Thin Clients) are hooked up to a central server. Thin client's have hard-drives (not required) were removed to be installed in other computer systems.
  • Computer network setup via LTSP (Linux Terminal Server Project) to allow ease of maintenance and administration.
  • Use of Linux (Ubuntu) operating system and open source software provides free software for the computer lab now and into the future.
  • Computer lab (in final phases) will have an estimated worth of $20,000.00 but it only cost an estimated $250.00 to setup and that includes the cost of room renovations.
  • Most equipment was donated or reused. Truly, a recycling success story!
  • Current computer lab configuration should last 5 years at very low cost (based on performance over 4 years from Parkdale and Emery Collegiate high-schools, Toronto, Ontario)
  • Extra computers are reserved in case a computer fails (estimate: 1 CPU per year).
  • A backup server and backup routine will ensure minimum disruption. Just swap (switch) servers if required ...
  • Computer lab can be sustained indefinitely. Terminals (thin clients) can be donated in future by congregation, or by other organizations.
  • Computer Lab (in the future) will be administered by youth members / volunteers trained by Murray Saul.
    Great job experience – looks good on a resumé...

Downloadable Media from Grand Opening (February 21st, 2010)

Video Presentation (Presenter: Murray Saul, Videographer: Justin Williams) [ N/A ]

Slide Show Presentation (created with open source software contained in Westminster Computer Lab): [ opd ] [ pdf ] [ ppt ]

Demo Account Posters (Used to demonstrate that various accounts can be created for various purposes):
(created with open source software contained in Westminster Computer Lab)

  • [ pdf ] Youth Group
  • [ pdf ] Adult Congregation Member
  • [ pdf ] Kids
  • [ pdf ] Graphical Studio
  • [ pdf ] Audio / Visual Studio
  • [ pdf ] Community Education
  • [ pdf ] IT Tech Support Training

Photos of Grand Opening:

[ N/A ]



[ Ubuntu Guide ] Murray Saul's Ubuntu WIKI

[ Educational Software (Kids) ] - Growing List of applications for Primary / Junior

[ Educational Software (High-school / College) ] - Growing List of applications for Secondary / Post-Secondary

[ pdf ]- Catalog of Free Software for Schools (Australia)

[ html ] - Case for Open Source Software to be used in Schools

Technical Information

What is Ubuntu?

What are "Thin Clients"? / What is LTSP? / What is Edubutu?

[ ] Main Website LTSP Website