- Andor Salga (asalga): Box Outline, Camera, PMatrix3D, Translate, Scale, etc?
- Konstantin Novichikhin: ?Simple Firefox build?
- Derek Ambrose: Firefox Build
- Ehren Metcalfe: Computing connected components with SQLite (and other attempts finding dead code)
- Jonathan Deni: Viewsource New Release!
- Scott Downe: Firefox build
- Harjinder Virdi: My First Firefox Build
- Cong Wang: pointer arithmentic
- Andor Salga (asalga): Git: The Crazy Lightsaw
- James Boston: The wiki is the message
- Anna Sobiepanek: 0.5 Release? The managing process
- Processing.js Blog: Processing.js v0.4.0 Released
- Scott Downe: parsing indifferent to strings
- Boris Chao: BackPort GCC 4.4 - Attempt 2
- Wen Fang Chen: Optimizing bio_display()
- Wei Tong: Basic data types and switch