Object Oriented Programming II Using C++
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OOP344 -- Object Oriented Programming II Using C++
Subject Description and Course Outcomes
- Please visit the School Of Computer Studies website for the detailed description of the subject
The Project
The project for this semester is a multiplatform text based, Text Editor.
The project is divided into 2 main parts.
Individual work
Done individually! Each student must complete and hand her/his own work, no collaboration permitted for this part.
Open Source
This part will be done collaboratively in groups of 4 - 8 students under a simulated open source model
- Basic Encapsulating Classes
This part is written in C++ and encapsulates the io routines into classes - The Application
this part is written in C++ and uses the "Basic Encapsulating Classes" classes to do interact with the user.
- Tests
- Test 1 10%
- Test 2 10%
- Quizzes 10%
- Project
- IO Library 3%
- Application 17%
- Contribution 10%
- Final Exam 40%
- Class notes can be found here: svn://zenit.senecac.on.ca/oop344
- How To edit Wiki pages
- Subversion (SVN)
- SVN book at red-bean.com or download the PDF from here.
- Mac Lab Available in 2108 as well as in the Computing Commons*
- Create an IRC account and login (in Windows)
Class notes, samples, tests, ... 2001 -> 2009
checkout svn://zenit.senecac.on.ca/oop344/tags for all the notes since 2001
OOP344 20093
OOP344 -- Weekly Schedule
Week 1 - Jan 10
This Week
- Introduction to Open Source development.
- Collaboration Tools:
- Wiki
- Blog
- Code Repository
- 144/244 review
To Do
Due date: Jan 12, 2010 , 23:59 (11:59pm)
- Add your name to the OOP344 Student List
- Join the IRC by registering your nickname on freenode server and joining the #Seneca channel
Additional channels of interest:- #seneca-oop344 for 344 related dialog
- #seneca-social for Social (off-topic) dialog
- Create a blog (if you don't already have one) and add your feed to Planet CDOT
- Download SVN and check out the OOP344 repo(svn://zenit.senecac.on.ca/oop344) to get the notes done in class
- A quick tutorial for SVN: Source Control in Ten Minutes
- How to create console application projects in Visual Studio
- Create an IRC account and login (in Windows)
- RabbitVCS - Linux alternative to TortoiseSVN
Week 2 - Jan 17
This Week
- Assessment Quiz on ipc144 and oop244
- C, a closer look to:
define, include, macros, operators, statement evaluation, return value of main, return value of printf and scanf, Conditional Compilation
- Starting the IO Library
To Do
- Make sure all your information on last week's To Do is up to date