- David Humphrey: // comments considered harmful
- Yip Lim, Seow: operator syntax
- Neda Pezeshki: Reading old test
- M. Mead Armsby (mead): Bah, 4 year old fixed chrome bug still an issue for TB developers
- Anton Chan: Update on meeting
- Matthew Lam: Firefox Addon and XPCOM
- Ljubomir Gorscak: OOP344 Assignment 2 - makefile
- Ljubomir Gorscak: (tag) (!trunk || !branch);
- Ljubomir Gorscak: Assigned Class
- Ljubomir Gorscak: abstract base class- pure virtual
- Ehren Metcalfe: Help from GNU, Analysis update, and possible contrib
- Victor Tran: Template Classes and Errors Galore
- Ljubomir Gorscak: blog+=blog;
- Armen Zambrano G. (armenzg): Fennec's en-US single-locale binaries being uploaded to a different location
- Anna Sobiepanek: PImage? an update
- Adam Sone: io_def binary mask values