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Managing Files

Revision as of 13:32, 5 November 2009 by Msaul (talk | contribs)

Based on my observations of an instructor of operating systems, File Management is one of the MOST important skills to learn.

Unfortunately, File Management is often ignored by students, until they are faced with their computer system running out of memory.

Consequences of Poor File Management

Here are some side-effects from not properly maintaining your computer files:

  • Reduction of computer's performance
  • Clutter (eg. on Desktop) reduces user productivity
  • Erasure of files (by accident)
  • Overwriting files (by accident)

Elements of File Management

To be completed ...

Linux File System

To be completed ...

File Manager Applications

To be completed ...

Graphical File Management (Using Nautilus)

To be completed ...

:Command Line File Management (Linux Commands)

To be completed ...